Jan 12, 1943
Ft Ord, CA
Dear Laura,
I got your letter and Christmas presents sometime
ago but I haven’t gotten around to answer. The
only time I get around to write anymore is when I
am on guard, then I can’t write only about one
letter at a time, but I get on guard real often
I’m on guard tonight and tomorrow and KP next
day after tomorrow, I am doing pretty good aren’t
That picture is very nice, thanks ever so much for
it. All the boys look at it and ask who it is, they say
they knew you was my sister but they don’t know
who the other one is. There was a fellow told me
yesterday when he was looking at it that he would
go home with me sometime. He is also from PA.
I just got a letter from Isabel so I had to stop and
read it. Have you
seen her new accordion? It is a nice one I think. I
am awful glad she got it. She sent me a box of
sugar cakes the other day and was they ever
good, the worst of it was the other fellows liked
them to well too.
You can tell Gaylord that I got his letter today and
will answer as soon as I get around to.
I can’t think of anything more to write so will close
and write to Elsie.
Love, Gordon
P.S. It has been hot here in the afternoon for the
last two or three days but it gets cold at night.