My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1945-0704 Mom

Nancy, France
17th A/B Div, Prcht Maint Co.
July 4, 1945

Dear Mom,
I’m sorry I haven’t gotten around to write to you folks before but the readjustment has kept me kinda occupied for the past week. I was transferred to the 17th A/B Div a week ago last Saturday along with about 50 more of the fellows. We reported to them in Chalons and moved down here, near Nancy last Tuesday. I started driving truck the day I got in the outfit, tho they tried to talk me into the same kind of job I had at the 101st, and made several trips from Chalons down here (145 mi), moving equipment and men. The outfit is made up of men from the original 17th, 82nd, 13th, and 101st. ?Shorty? is the only one of the 506th bunch I ran around with to come along. We don’t know what the score is except that that we are expected to stay in this camp for at least two months then anything can happen. It’s just like that old hill billy song “I’m Changing Business All Around” in this Army. Love to all, Wayne.

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