My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1945-0105 Mom

Jan 5, 1945

Dear Mom and All,
I don’t remember when I last wrote to you but I know it has been quite a while. It seems that I wrote a v-mail soon after Christmas but I don’t know for sure. I will write this as though I hadn’t though just to make sure.
I got two of your boxes Christmas Eve, also one from Peg with stuff from Ma Edwards and Laura and one from the Roses. I also received about 7 letters so it made a pretty good Christmas. By the way, one of the letters was from Joe and headed to Paris.
I was in London a couple days last week so decided to see if Dick Reamer was still around. I didn’t really expect to find him still there as I knew that his A.P.O. had moved. I checked at the Locating office and found that he’s in Paris, too. I didn’t bother to check on anyone else as I wasn’t so interested in them.
Mail came in again last night, I got a letter from Betty and one from Judy. Betty mentioned some previous letter which I’ve never received and this one is dated December 13 so our mail is a little slow as you can see. A lot of it will never get here. I know some of my packages were lost, at least they’re about 2 1/2 months overdue.
I’ve written to Peg couple of times lately so she won’t have anything to kick about for a while on that count. I really did neglect her for a while I’ll admit and it kinda hurt her feelings.
Nope, it wasn’t any little bird that told Betty things – I did it myself for reasons that will be obvious to you, but she didn’t know my reasons for it. I find out more darn things that way! I’m liable to get caught playing both ends towards the center, yet, but I’ll have lots of fun doing it.
Oh yeah, I also took the liberty of inviting Betty to visit you sometime. I don’t expect you to like her much ‘cause as you said she ‘puts on airs’ or something like that. I wondered what she’d act like if she ever broke out of her pose. Just checkin’ up doncha know. I really hope you don’t mind though, she may really come up sometime.
I blew up a little when I read about the professor making such a fuss about Jay. If I would have been there and couldn’t find him one of us would be hurtin’. There’s no excuse for him being so unreasonable. I reckon Jay’s capable of telling him off but I still wish I could help things along a little.
Yes I know Bob Maynard and and Ann Ingerick. Ann was one of the prettiest girls around there if she wanted to be. Bob was rather a poor sport and a little stuck on himself just like most of his family.
Have you heard anything from Hayden lately? I imagine he was getting rather tired of instructing but I think it was a good deal myself. What is Dorsett been doing since he was discharged and can’t go back to teaching? I feel sorry for him in a way.
Say, could you find out where Bill Urban is now? John might know if Bill hasn’t had one of his tantrums and quit writing. I hadn’t thought of Bill for a long while but it just struck me that he might be over here. He was in a medical school the last I knew and he might be stationed with a base hospital.
Well, I guess that’s about all I can do for tonight so will sign off.
Love to all, Wayne

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