My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1944-1111 Wanda

Nov 11, 1944

Dear Sis,
I just finished a letter to Judy, wrote one to mom last night so if I finish this tonight I’ll be pretty well caught up. I haven’t gotten much mail lately. They’re so busy with Christmas packages that the 1st class mail is slower than usual.

I finally got a letter from Betty, yesterday. I’m not sure yet whether I’ll answer it or not tho’ I probably will sometime. I’m just a little peeved at her now, I didn’t hear from her for so long and I didn’t like the tone of her letter.

I got a message from Joe today. One of the fellows in his company transferred to the ‘troops and I happen to be his instructor. He said Joe ask him to look me up and tell me he was sorry he couldn’t get to see me before he went over on the Continent.

That must’ve been quite a party you girls had at the dorm. If the dean had caught you you probably would all be on detention now.
From what you say Halloween’n must be a “once upon a time” now. Yeah, I remember the time we put the sign in the parsonage lawn, but I sure didn’t have anything to do with what Lil Evans and another person put on the front porch! I’ll bet you figured I’d forgotten that.

Say, did you ever give Loretta that picture? I intended to have some taken last week but I didn’t. I may get around to it this week.

I got my new choppers a week or so ago. They are much better than the others were and I hope I won’t break them as often.

I did some sewing for myself this afternoon, those machines come in handy. This evening I fixed half a dozen eggs and made a bucket of coffee. If this keeps up I know I’ll stay single and save money.

Betty said you were active in dramatics now and pretty busy along with the rest of your work. She said you had come up to her room one evening and that was about the only time she had seen you. Who plays Lady Macbeth in your play? It sounds as though it must be a comedy sketch if they’re going to mix the women from Shakespeare’s plays all into one play.

I didn’t know that Chuck and Jen were married. I knew that Jean was engaged, Mom said so in her last letter. She went with Richardson for quite a while didn’t she? (For her anyhow!)

Did Dad make any cider this year? There was a bumper crop of apples in England this year so I read in the paper but they don’t make as good a cider as we do, at least I never found any.

I imagine Anna would write to me if I answered her letters, she did for a while. She probably gets along better with Vern gone then when he was there.

I like the Wellsboro paper all right but it takes so long to get paper that isn’t worth the trouble. The Readers Digest would be appreciated tho’ as the articles in it are good anytime. A couple of the fellows, here, get it but I seldom get hold of their copies.

I was on K. P. yesterday and didn’t get off in time to keep my date and put it off tonight to write letters. I’ve been out 8 nights straight so had to let up and get a new start.

I know how Ralph got stiff muscles. This weather will stiffen anyone up. “Pop” has sciatic rheumatism and it gives him a lot of trouble sometimes (but can’t keep him in nights) tho’ he won’t admit it if he can move at all.

I guess I might as well sign off here and save paper.
Love to all, Wayne

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