My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1944-1012 Mom

Oct 12, 1944

Dear Mom,
It’s been a long while since I’ve written any letters and I guess it’s about time I did. I have about 6 of your letters here so I should be able to get a few inspirations.

I haven’t heard from Betty since she started school again, I guess my letter about that time kind of got her wondering and she hasn’t figured it out yet. I got a letter from Loretta a few days ago and I hear from Judy quite often. She has mailed the stuff I asked for and said she was sending something else for a birthday present, though I haven’t received either package yet.

This pen is giving me trouble. I lost my Parker a month or so ago. I took my shirt off one day while working and someone took shirt, pen and everything else in the pockets. I have a two-bit pen now, so don’t care what happens to it, no one would want to steal it anyhow.

So Art Smith finally got hitched, eh? About time, he and Riva, had gone together for about a year, I guess. I doubt if you know her.

How has Jay made out on his Gals magazine stuff? It seems to me that it might be interesting as long as they thought it was Miss Jay, you can’t ever tell.

Who did Charlie Douglas marry? He must have started getting around more after the rest of the boys left and he had an open field to work in.

Prices sure must be high there, at one time you could hardly give potatoes away, there. How is the milk price now and the income from it? Feed must be pretty expensive, now, too but it’s not so bad if it stays in proportion. How much stock do you have now?

Did you ever find out who broke into the Hall’s house? It must’ve been kids looking for trinkets as anyone with any sense would know that they wouldn’t leave anything worthwhile in a house closed as long as that one has been. I think it would just about fit those characters you mentioned.

Where is Denver living now? He was in Mansfield the last I knew. Who has the school route now and how does it work? I’ll keep you answering questions for weeks at this rate, but I’ve got a lot to catch up on. I know you don’t mind answering them.

I haven’t heard from Wanda for a long time. She’s probably busy now and keeps herself tired out studying. Maybe if I wrote to her once in a while she’d answer, anyhow. I’ll have to try it.

I’ve often thought of owning the Carpenter place and if I ever get a chance after I get out of the army I’ll make a try for it. I didn’t figure Claude would ever sell it though. Right now it’s worth about what they ask for, but $32,000 is a lot to have tied up in something that may lose nearly half of its value in two or three years.

If it’s too much for Claude to handle with out hired men I don’t know how Dad could do it especially along with the one he has now. It’d be as hard for him to get help as any one else, and Jay may wind up in the Army in a year or so. If I were there I’d try it, myself, but I don’t quite like the idea of Dad killing himself trying to pay for another farm for the next five years. I know he’d make a go of it, somehow, if he ever made up his mind to tho’.

If I were Jay I’d junk that damn Studebaker (I should say I would have junked) if it didn’t run better than it has. About the time it quit when I wanted to go out it would be a “usta was”. He must have the patience of Job to put up with it. How is he fixing his motorcycle up? I want to get a new one, if I can, when I get back. Optimistic, ain’t I but that’s the way to be.

How is Merritt and where is he working now? You hadn’t mentioned him in any of your letters. Does he still have the Lincoln?

Well, I guess I’ve asked about enough questions for once so will sign off. This is going to be enough for one envelope without those pictures of the boys so I’ll send them next time.
Love to all, Wayne

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