My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1944-0815 Mom

Aug 15, 1944

Dear Mom,
It is pretty late tonight and I only got 3 hours sleep last night but I guess I better write a few lines while I can. One reason you haven’t been getting my mail is because I haven’t been writing much. Some of what I do write must be getting mixed up somehow as Betty says she hasn’t heard from me for three weeks and I know I wrote oftener.

Thank you for Dick’s address. I know where that outfit is but I won’t have a chance to look him up. If La Verne finds me he’ll do pretty good. It wouldn’t do any good for me to find out where he is.

Jay is getting pretty well acquainted with the cops around there, eh? He’s going to have to do better than he has been so far, I never did get caught.

I got the pictures from Wanda. They’re nice pictures but not very focused. The one of you and Diane is best, I think. I would like to see the kids now while they’re little and still cute. They’ll become little Devil‘s by the time I get to see them and wouldn’t have anything to do with me.

I think I’ll lie down a while and catch a little shut eye.
Love to all, Wayne

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