My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1944-0809 Mom

Aug 9, 1944

Dear Mom,
It’s been quite a little while since I’ve written to you so I guess it’s about time I did. I’ll try to write over the weekend if I can. I’m so tired now that I don’t half know what I’m doing. I received the boxes last evening and we ate one bag of the nuts, they were good. Thanks a lot.

I haven’t gotten any letters from anyone around there since one from Lola about five or six months ago. I hadn’t thought anything about it so I guess I couldn’t have missed much. I sometimes get one of those circulars and a note from Mr. Miller once in a while. I still haven’t heard from Joe since he moved. I saw some of his outfit and sent him a message but don’t know whether it got through or not.

Wanda said something about ?“Caps”? and Anne Jean being engaged. Eddie told me about a month ago. He said “What the hell do you think of that!!” Alice must look like a barrel if she’s larger than when I saw her, she weighed about 154 then. I feel sorry for her for she is sensitive about it. I have heard from Betty pretty regularly lately, I wrote a letter that got her on the ball.

Love to all, Wayne

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