My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1944-0623 Mom

June 23, 1944

Dear Mom,
Everything’s fine here, at least as far as could be expected. I got a honey of a letter from Betty a few days ago, it made up for not hearing from her for so long.

This is going to be kind of a request letter though I kind of hate to bother you about such little things. I need another roll or so of 127 film if you can get it. I have made contact so I can get it developed by a civilian photographer. I also could go for some nuts (any kind, I can’t eat candy it makes me sick) or popcorn which I could have. I don’t like to ask you to go out of your way any but it sure would be appreciated by me and the fellows.

I still have my Parker 51 but it uses red ink so it can’t be used for v-mail‘s. I ordered a pen from the PX a while ago think thinking it would be a cheap two dollar set thing for carrying to work etc. and it was in Eversharp lifetime instead so I now have two good pens. This is the first time I’ve used the Eversharp, it writes pretty good I think. Must close.

Love to all, Wayne

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