My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1944-0512 Dad

May 12, 1944

Dear Dad,

I have a heck of a time digging enough together to make it worthwhile to use stationary but I’ll have a try with it anyhow. Kind of an experiment a little. I was glad to hear that you finally got a permanent fix on that water pipe; it took quite awhile to get it done and sure used to raise heck in the winter. Of course having water in the barn kinda helped that situation.

Mom said that Basil was digging up the old cellar drain but didn’t say anything about what you were planning to do with it. Was there any tile in it at all or just dirt ditch? I remember running a piece of wire through it once to clean it out. You were lucky to be able to drive part of the pipe in with no more trouble than you had, it sure saved you some hard digging.

Are you going to work the Tipple place this year? I figured you must have some more land somewhere if your going to put one of the fields into pasture ?seedling?. How many head of stock do you have now and what kind of milk production are you getting?

Gee, I’m just full of questions. It was rather good timing on that tractor turn business wasn’t it? There should be a big difference in traction now.
others were only Px24 weren’t they? The price of those tires wasn’t quite as high as I expected. How’s the “little red horse” running now? The last time I was home it seemed to have a knock and a few rattles in it. I believe I remember puncturing one of the rear tires and having to change it once.

What’s the prices of seed this year? I got a League News a month or so ago but it didn’t have much in it. Are you going to sow soy beans this year? Basil being there this spring should be a help if he doesn’t get a wild hair and take off again. Of course school being out early will let Jay be there more too. This kind of weather makes me wish I could be working outside somewhere; I don’t care much for this steady inside work even tho it’s good job. I always liked the outdoors.

That is a cute picture of the little girls; a little overexposed I believe but not bad. I haven’t had much luck with my camera. I don’t use it much and the pictures I took with it were messed up in the G.I. developing. Their work is pretty poor.

Well, I guess I’ve asked enough questions for now so will sign off. 

Your loving son, Wayne.

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