My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1944-0507 Mom

May 7, 1944

Dear Mom,
I’m just going to write a few lines to let you know that everything is going OK. I visited the Wellsboro boys on Thursday and Friday. They’re only a few miles from me now. George and I had a pretty wild time Thursday night. The Homer boys were on guard so couldn’t go with us and Chuck Henry had to be in early. Joe has been moved, I saw some of his outfit Wednesday. I went over to see if he was still there.

I’m sending a small picture of the section, there are a few new men and a lot of the other boys have been sent out but the picture is of the ones here at the present. I have a large one ordered but won’t get it for a while. I have written the fellows names on the back.
<insert image>

I answered Pegs letter yesterday that she wrote when she was up there. She’s kinda of peeved because I have written to Laura a couple times since I did her so I had to kind of make peace or something. I really should write to her more regular.

Well, this is only a note but it’s the best I can do now.
Love to all, Wayne

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