My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1944-0501 Mom

May 1, 1944

Dear Mom,
I received your letter number 20 Friday and 17 and 19 today so I guess it’s about time I did some writing myself. This is the first I’ve written Airmail in a long time. I got a letter from Judy and Lucille W. tonight, also I just finished a letter to Mary W, and I should write to Joe, Red and Bob; I’ve owed the latter a letter for a couple of weeks. I just didn’t have the ambition to write yesterday and when I do write I owe so many I can’t answer them all.

I let Shastied read one of your letters, that story about the storks tickled him. He said he’d write before long. I’ll have to write that to Dot J. she is always wanting me to repeat a good story. She doesn’t do bad herself.

Yeah, The first thing the boys wanted to do to that bottle of lotion was just what Bobby said, but I guess it didn’t taste too good because I still have it. They said for you to fill the next batch with liquor.

I guess Betty hasn’t written since her sister got married, if she has I don’t remember her saying anything about it.

Wanda said something about Jay going with a girl named Phyllis in a letter last week and I asked her which one. He’s cruising a little farther from home all the while, no?

The section had its picture taken today, I’ll send you a couple when we get them. Should be sometime next week.
<insert image>
I took my camera out and took some of separate groups and fellows. I’ll send them to you when I get them developed. They didn’t awfully messy job on the last film I sent and the one of red I had didn’t even come out on one picture so I’m going to try to get them developed somewhere else possible.

I got several pictures from Wanda a long while ago, they must be the ones you spoke of. One of Jeannette and Bernadine was awfully cute and Eileen is getting a lot prettier (growing up I guess). 

I still haven’t gotten my Watch that I sent a money order a couple of weeks ago. I’m afraid I’m going to have to go after it yet. The equivalent pound two dollars in US money is $10. Just to give you the idea of the comparison
1D penny (pence) – 2c
3D three pence – 5c
6D pence – 10c
1S shilling – 20c
2S Florian – 40c
2/6 half crown – 50c
£ pound – $4.00 note
Also half-pence and 1/4 pence called farthing
Prices are written: 2/4/6 meaning two pounds, 4 shillings, six pense, ($8.90) Understand?

How is Uncle Richard now? He’s probably about like Grandpa Smith, no telling how long he’ll hang on. I got Walt’s letter a week ago and answered it right away. I was glad to hear from him again.

I played ball for a while today and slipped and twisted my left arm a little. It doesn’t bother me except to write so if this is a little messed up don’t mind. Interrupted this to answer Judy’s letter so I’d be sure to get it done before my hand gets too tired. This is the most I’ve written for months.

Boy I sure would like to be there to help eat that stuff you canned. I’ve heard and read a lot about eggs being plentiful and cheap there. We get very few fresh eggs but have plenty of the dehydrated ones which I don’t care much for. On the average our grub is pretty good tho’.

Well I guess I might as well sign off for now and get to bed. Those other people will have to wait for their letters.
Love to all, Wayne

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