My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1944-0424 Mom

April 24, 1944

Dear Mom,
I received the box today containing the aftershave lotion, etc. Thanks a lot, it sure is swell and ought to last for a while.

I also got a letter from Betty (first in about three weeks) and one from Judy. I hardly believe I’ll answer them tonight as I’m pretty tired. I didn’t get but 2 1/2 hours of sleep last night and about three hours Saturday night. I was off duty at 9:00 AM this morning but didn’t go to bed.

I still haven’t gotten my watch back from the repair shop in London. I sent a British money order to them a few days ago and asked them to mail it to me.

Did Wanda get that last $100 money order? I haven’t heard from her, whether she did or not. I haven’t been spending much. I haven’t been out for nearly 2 months. There isn’t enough to do to make it worth the trouble. The Wellsboro boys have moved. I traveled all over the British Isles to get to them on my furlough and they’re parked almost in our backyard now.

Love to all, Wayne

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