My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1944-0320 Mom

March 20, 1944

Dear Mom,
I had planned to write a lot of letters yesterday but we had to work all day so I didn’t get any written. Received Vmail number 10 today. I’ve forgotten how many I’ve written already though I think it’s about nine.

Say could you please send me some kind of good aftershave lotion? We can’t get it here and I’m about out. Don’t bother to send the soap and towels. I have more than I can use now. I gave about 30 cakes of soap away last week and still have about 10. I brought almost a couple dozen cakes over with me and get two a week in my rations. I have more razor blades than I can use for the duration and get four more every week. They’re not very good blades but I make out OK.

I’ve been feeling kind of run down lately. I’m taking opium tablets on prescription and I’m supposed to take it easy but a batch of work came up that I that had to be done and I hate to be off when I could help a little. I’ll be OK in a couple days.

I hope everything OK there.
Love to all, Wayne

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