My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1944-0317 Wanda

March 17, 1944

Dear Sis,
Did you get the money order yet? I had intended to send another hundred but I had a London pass coming up and I didn’t know how much I’d need for it. I have it left over this month so I’ll try to send it then. I may be able to build up the stash, yet before I get home. Mom says dad has bought bonds for me with what he borrowed for the tractor before I left.

I received your airmail letter today and a Vmail from Katie R yesterday. I got letters from Peg, Laura and mom so I have some writing to do.
Joe just dropped, drove rather, in. He was only here five minutes, just wanted to know how every thing was. He had to be in in a short while and run up here off his regular route. He expects to be sent To another station in a week or so but I will still be able to get to see him once in a while.

No, they don’t censor incoming mail except for spot checking once in a while. I’ve never had any come opened, yet. I’ll write again this weekend.

Love, Wayne

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