My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1944-0213 Mom

Feb 13, 1944

Dear Mom and All,
I had intended to write an airmail letter to you today but after sorting my mind of the past couple of weeks and finding it I need a number of letters decided to answer them all by v-mail for the present at least. I received no 4 (January 28th) yesterday, and number 2 a couple of days before. I haven’t gotten the one between.

That must’ve been some hog the boys butchered and I sure would like to help them eat part of it. We have been getting pretty good grub the past couple weeks but it was pretty lousy for a while.

I’ve taken up a couple rolls of film and and I’m sending it in tomorrow. It’ll probably take a month or so to get it back and then I don’t expect to get them all.

I didn’t get my teeth yet. I went over a week ago yesterday and dentist broke the plate driving it in. I went back again Tuesday and should get a call from them this next week.

I didn’t say anything about it before but I’ve been going around like a chicken with one wing since I came back from furlough. I jumped off the rear of a British lorrie caught my foot on something and fell on my arm. I was lucky not to break it but I did tear the ligaments loose at the elbow. It’s getting so I can use it again more though still a little stiff. So long for now.

Love, Wayne

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