My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1943-1229 Mom

Dec 29, 1943

Dear Mom,
I guess it’s about time I wrote to you. I’ve neglected it a lot too long I know. I had intended to write a real long letter tonight but it’s kinda late now. I’m firing boilers tonight (did that last night too) as the regular fumier is in about the same condition I was in a week or so ago.
I got a letter (three of them Xmas cards), and a box from Grandma Smith, last night and so I already owe about five letters. I reckon I’ll be busy for a week. I’ll write another letter to you tomorrow if I can and tell you about my Christmas (it wasn’t as bad as I expected).
I got the film o.k. thanks a lot. I’ve already taken five shots and want to finish one roll up to see if the camera is still OK. Those candy bars have sure hit the spot, the chocolate over here is flavored with orange etc. to save other stuff that would go into it usually I guess.
By the way I don’t know whether you know it or not (you probably do) but boxes up to 5 pounds and not over 15 inches long or 35 inches in circumference can be sent overseas if requested but don’t have to be okayed by the Co Commander anymore. Some of the boys wondered how come I got the extra boxes from you when their folks couldn’t send things to them. They said that you must be a good friend in the postmaster. I said, “ Yep, reckon as thou we know him”.
Love, Wayne

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