My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1943-1116 Mom

Nov 16, 1943

Dear Mom,
I have a few minutes before dinner so I will try to write a few lines before I have to go eat. Some of us got off a little early this forenoon but I went up to the showers and used up most of my time at that. Chow!! Finish this evening.
I just got two boxes from Judy containing a set of two decks of cards and poker chips, carton of camels, two boxes of candy, and a nice set of shaving utensils. It kind of makes me feel like A cheapskate not to be able to get anything home to send to her. She’ll understand OK though. I was kind of surprised to even get anything from her.
I got a letter from Betty tonight, too. I was getting about ready to blow a fuse if she didn’t write before long. I reckon as how I’ll take my own sweet time answering it.
Green and I just finished winterizing one end of our hut. We nailed particleboard on the studs leaving a space between it and the wall. Maybe we can lay stuff down in here now without having to run out the other end after it; the wind didn’t even slow down when it went through before.
We just got through frying some potatoes (we almost always have some kind of snack at night, we have to our supper sure isn’t sufficient). Good too.
Love to all, Wayne

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