October 18, 1943
Hello Kid,
I just finished letters to Wanda and Peg and decided to write to you one time instead of mom. I’ll answer her letter tomorrow if I have time.
How’s everything going at school and on the farm? Have you seen any good looking wild calves this far? I kind of took it from mom’s story of the spill you took that you had been looking for some.
Maybe if I ask you enough questions you’ll take a 10 minute break and write me a letter sometime. Of course if I ask you anything you’d rather not answer about, I’ll find out from someone else. Ha. Ha.
By the way, you’ve got the car, who is the girl and don’t try to tell me no one because I won’t swallow that stuff. I don’t think you go to the shows in Mansfield alone or just to treat sis. Another little bird done told me things.
Hey, you sure ought be here for that hunting season coming up. I counted 56 ringnecks (mostly roosters) in one field and rabbits are thicker than fleas on a dog. You’d find yourself in the can if you ever started shooting at them but you could have a hell of a good time for a while. You’ve even got to have a license to use a slingshot – as I found out after I couldn’t find any ammo for my rifle! Write!! Your brother,
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