Sept 29, 1943
Dear Mom,
I haven’t received any letters for the past three or four days but I tho’t I’d better write some any how. Even as small as this paper is I don’t know whether I’ll be able to fill it or not.
What does Bernadine do now that Jeannette is going to school? Maybe there’s some more kids her age there that I didn’t remember.
Say, do you remember the fellow, Joe Robinson, I used to run around with when we were kids? He heard my name mentioned in town and sent me his address. It’s been a long while since I’ve seen or heard from him so maybe I’ll try to look him up some weekend.
We are allowed passes here for 50% of the section and that’s just about what are off duty at a time. We are supposed to get two 48 hour passes a month and eight days leave every three months from what I understand, but I rather doubt if they ever give us the leave.
I’ve had every other day off, so far, except one day I pulled KP. So it isn’t tough – yet. Hope I hear from you soon.
Love to all, Wayne