My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1943-0927 Mom

Sept 27, 1943

Dear Mom,
Well, I’m on guard again and have to stick around so I might as well spend my time off writing letters.
I saw fellow from Morris who used to be in the medics with me. He heard that the outfit his brother is in had come into the camp we’re at and came to find him. Jerry got to talking to him and found out where he was from and ask if he knew me. We were both pretty surprised to see someone we knew.
I got a long letter from Judy yesterday. Everybody seems to have gotten into a writing mood all of a sudden, I’ve gotten more letters since I’ve been here than I ever got in the same length of time in the states.
Say, I’ve lost Carrie’s address and I really should write to her, so let me know what it is if you can. I had all of my addresses written down in a notebook and I lost the notebook somewhere. It’s lucky I remember most of them.
I’ll write you again in a day or so.
Love to all, Wayne

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