My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1943-0921 Wanda

September 21, 1943,
Dear Wanda,
I got your letter ok, the same day I got Laura’s . I have also heard from mom and dad. I answered Laura last night, but haven’t mailed it yet.
Have you received that first payment of the allotment? I reckon you’ll, need it starting a new semester. How were your grades for summer school?
When you write to Jerry, tell him I said hello and would write if I knew his address. When you get it, let me know, he’ll probably be able to tell you what it is before long. I still haven’t heard from Fern and probably never will until I write to her again.
I just got another letter from Mom. It was written before the other one but was damaged, as it couldn’t be photographed, so was sent regular air mail. It takes about the same time for either to get here though. I’ll be able to write a more interesting letter when and if we’re allowed to divulge our whereabouts.
Your brother,

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