My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1943-0726 Wanda

July 26, 1943

Dear Sis,
I guess it’s about time I wrote to you don’t you think? I’m going to write pretty fast to try to finish this before the lights go out and I don’t have much time.
I went to the Dental clinic today and got eight fillings put in and left my plate to be fixed again. They said I should get it back in about three days.
This afternoon we’ve been cleaning equipment for a full field inspection and division parade. If there’s anything I hate worse than getting ready for an inspection it’s standing one.
We had an inspection for unserviceable equipment and shortages. I turned in a list of shortages of foot-long and turned in nearly all of the rest of my stuff for salvage. The stuff came in today; two pair of boots, one pair of shoes, wool sweater, five pair of socks, shelter half, field jacket, khaki shirt and some small articles.
We haven’t done much here so far as rigging is concerned; just policing up, close order drill, inspections, etc. They said we’ll get an inspection about every day of some kind or other until we leave here about 1 September.
We are being checked, especially on wool clothing and letting the cotton go, so draw your own conclusions. We’re getting gloves, wristlets, etc. for cold weather.
I’m going to have a class E allotment made out to you for as much as they allow, about $50 a month I think. It’ll save me bothering with it and will be a lot surer.
Well, I’ve got to close now.
I hope you can read this.

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