March 27, 1943
Camp MacKall, NC
Hello Sis,
Well, I finally got around to answer your letter. I received 11 letters this week, five Monday, have only answered three of them so far.
Monday night I had to go down to the sheds and sew my chevrons on my new clothes, I went to The sheds to use the machine. Personally, I’d rather not have the stripes on but they said we had to.
Tuesday night I had to clean my rifle and equipment and then hit the hay. Wednesday I hit the hay, period.
Thursday night we went out and bivouaced, it didn’t rain for a change but it was cold as the devil. I had my comforter instead of the blankets so I was fairly warm until about 4 AM.
Last night we went out again and did rain and I don’t mean perhaps. I figured it was going to so I had my shelter half put up for a lean-to. I was “snug as a bug“ as they say.
We had a parade this p.m. and got off about 2:30. I came in, changed back into coveralls, lay down and went to sleep. I was awakened to except a letter from Betty but I had missed my supper.
I got a letter from Charlotte see the other day, she finally got around to answer my letter. I guess she has all she can do without writing letters, that’s her letter was nice.
I got a letter from Peg the other day (before she moved). Do you know Laura? I met her and even took her downtown on the day I was in Elmira. I’ve been writing to her too! I wrote a letter to each of them this week.
I read quite an article about JE Homer in the in the Readers Digest a couple of months ago you sure picked a person that you could write a lot about.
A couple of the fellows came in drunk the other night and brought a damn wildcat Cajun or with them. I’ve seen the boys bring in rowboats danger signs, parking meters, and damn near everything else, but they’re the first ones to bring in a bear cat. They found out where they got it the next day and paid the zoo 10 bucks to keep it.
We made leather boots and a muzzle for it and are now making a chute harness for it. If that ani-mule ever slips it’s muzzle or boots in the plane there’s going to be some records broken for jump speed. It’s sassy as heck and the last man will probably have a set of teeth and four sets of claws hanging from his undercarriage all the way down. Wow!!!
Say, here’s a little story I got a copy of the other day.
“The Isle of Man”
Over near England there is a little island called the Isle of Man. Now, a very peculiar thing about this island is that they don’t believe in automobiles and the climate is such that they can’t keep horses, so everyone has a donkey, or what is commonly known as an ass. Some just have ordinary asses others have astounding asses.
The mayor, for instance, has an ass that no one would look at twice, but the but the mayor‘s wife has a beautiful ass. People who really know asses say she has one of the nicest they have ever seen. Men often stop her, as she passes through the market place, to pat her beautiful ass. On Sunday everyone goes to church on their asses. Sometimes the girls ride the boys asses and sometimes the boys ride the girls asses.
On one particular Sunday the preacher had to leave immediately after the service so to make sure his ass would be nearby, he tied it just outside the window. During the service a fire broke out and everyone ran to save his ass.
The preacher jumped out the window expecting to land on his ass, but there was a big hole there and he hit that instead which just goes to show that a preacher doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Finis.
Well, I’ve spread enough ink for one night and I’m so tired I can’t see from my left eye at all and so I better rest them both.
As ever,
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