My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1943-0219 Wanda

Feb 19, 1943
Ft Benning, GA

Dear Sis,
I haven’t much time but I’ll try to drop a line. I got your letter with the money order Wednesday thanks.
The regiment has finished jumping but about 30 of us riggers didn’t have a chance to. They had 10 extra chutes and asked us who wanted to jump. There was a wild rush and I got into 10th place but I had to give it to another fellow that the Lt. had promised a chance to jump.
Pardon haste please. I hope you can read this.
I got a letter from RR today and did I get told off. I never got raked over like that before. Four pages of plain hell. It tickled me in a way because she was really mad about that letter I wrote to her.
I got a letter from Peg too. It wasn’t too long, but was interesting. I don’t know when I’ll be able to answer it.
We are working 18 hours a day now including Sunday. We have to have everything packed ready to move Sunday night. We pull out during the week for parts unknown. If you don’t hear from me for a week or so don’t worry.
We will probably go where I mentioned when I was home, but no one knows yet and we have no sealed orders.
Tell mom if you can, that I won’t be able to write for a while I’m just too damn busy.
Well I have to close now and get to bed it is after 11 o’clock now and I’ve got to be up at 6 o’clock tomorrow and go over to Lawson Field to load boxes for shipping chutes for foreign service. Mail will probably be forwarded OK.
Love, Wayne

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