My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1942-0926 Wanda

September 26, 1942

Hello Sis,

So you’re one of those college gals now, eh? How do you like it? I reckon I’d a damn site rather be there than where I am.Though, I could at least quit if I didn’t like it.

Please excuse the writing as I have no table, desk, or even a writing board and my knee isn’t too stationary.

Say, you should see your big brother now. He had his hair all cut off (we called them baldy’s) a week or so ago and it’s only about a quarter of an inch long now. His mustache is quite a lot longer than his hair, so he will pass for at least 25 years of age. When I wear my steel helmet, I look tougher than the gangsters you see in the movies.

We are two days in our second problem of the maneuvers. I have had my clothes off four times in the last two weeks, three times to bathe and once to change when the laundry came in.

So far I have slept in the cab, a little cramped but not bad when you get used to it.

It is about 2:30 PM now and I still have my field jacket on. It was cold as heck last night and I used two heavy blankets over me, besides the clothes I had on.

I got a letter from Alice a couple of days ago, also one from Lucille W. And have had two or three from mom. I haven’t heard from Ruth since we came out and I won’t write until I do. If she doesn’t want to write to heck with her, there’s others that will.

Say, sis, if you happen to need a little extra cash that you don’t want to ask the folks for, just let me know. I’ve got $100 bucks or so in my money belt and you’re welcome to any or all of it. Don’t tell the folks I have it, or they’ll think I should bank it.

I happened to get access to a Wellsboro Gazette the other day and noticed the college schedule for the first week. It must have kept you pretty busy. That’s one thing that is wrong with this life, you don’t have enough work to keep your mind from wandering.

We haven’t seen many snakes so far. Leland and I killed a copperhead and one of the other fellows got a pygmy rattler and we chased a couple of water moccasins out of our swimming hole, but that’s not bad for the country were in. I guess the cold weather is slowing them up.

I have caught some cold, just enough to lose my appetite and make cigarettes taste rotten. I guess I’ll have to get a pint or so and see if it won’t break it up.

I just interrupted this to go to mail call. I got a short letter from Peg, I thought she had forgotten me. I’ll have to answer now, besides the one I got from mom last night, so I reckon I’d better sign off for this time and start on one of them.

Your brother,


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