My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1942-0907 Mom

September 7, 1942
Camp Livingston, LA

Dear Mom,

I got your card and letter at the same time today. The card was probably in yesterday, but I didn’t go to mail call.

There was no reveille today and the only formation was for a division review at 10 this morning and the rest of the day off.

Jerry and I went to town Saturday afternoon and got in about 2:30am Sunday morning. I scratched chigger bites until about four then finally got to sleep, didn’t get up until 1 PM.

I was supposed to be on Admin duty over the weekend, but I got John Harris to take it for me Saturday. Hager came in Sunday morning with a trip ticket to haul trash but Johnnie soon came to give me my keys and got himself into another job.

I guess I will have to send my books and photographs home this week. I also have a new Parker 51 pen that cost $15 and I am going to send that too. I haven’t decided yet whether to keep the good camera down here or not. I have an 828 that is a lot smaller and only cost about four dollars, that I might use.

I have about a dozen books here, besides those I sent up. It is OK for the kids to read them, but keep track of them and don’t let them get damaged excessively. They’ll make a nice library even if they are paper covered.

I also got a card from Jean G. today. She drops a card once in a while but seldom a letter. I have also had a few from Laura.

I am sending a sheet out of our Pennsylvania Guardian magazine. The same article has been in four different army papers, besides a couple of civilian papers down here, but the picture hasn’t been in any of them. We are mentioned in nearly every issue of the army papers.

Tell Jay that I never thought I could write a letter and always hated to try but it just comes to you with a little practice.

I got a letter from Ruth Friday also one from Fern Eno (Jerry’s sister in Rutland Vermont) so I answered both of them last night, besides a card to each of the Edwards girls.

Our address on maneuvers after the 10th will be

Co ‘B’ 103 Medical Battalion

28th infantry division. A. P. O. 304

Leesville, LA.

and include my serial number after the name.

While on the three day problem last week, the fellows in this company killed a cottonmouth (water moccasin), a copperhead and two pygmy rattlesnakes. Some of the other outfits killed several poisonous snakes too.

There were only two men killed during three days, one drowned in a stream crossing and one accidental (I imagine the former was an accident too).

We all dread the maneuvers. More because of the chiggers than anything else. You can’t imagine how bad they are until you get a couple dozen of them. They itch much worse than mosquitoes and last about four days and you get on average about 15 to 20 every day you’re out in the woods.

I never got an answer to the letter I wrote to Bill Urban. I was rather disappointed.

So someone has been “telling tales out of school “about your dogs, eh? I’ll bet I know who and it won’t take all of three guesses.

I’m not worried about a little old dog catcher getting to the best of my mom though, I’ve heard her in action before. Give him hell!

Wanda and Bob seem to get along OK. I sure would kid her if I were there.

Well, I reckon this is enough for one time so will close. Love to all,


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