My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1942-0811 Mom

August 11, 1942
Camp Livingston, LA

Dear Mom,
I don’t quite feel like writing a letter so will get a few lines on a card.
I made the 25 mile hike last night and have to go out at 8:30 tonight for an all night problem. It will be blackout driving and it has started to rain, so the roads will be hellish. I hope to revive in a week or so.
I heard from Ruth the other day. I guess I told you in my letter I got a card. I get a card or letter from Alice E every two or three days. Plenty good, I am in like a burglar.
How are Jay and Pa now? I hope Jay‘s back isn’t hurt bad. I pulled a fool trick the other day. I squeezed a fellow between my knees and felt something tear loose in my side. It felt feels rather funny at times, but my kidneys seem to be ok so I guess it isn’t serious.
Love to all,

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