My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1942-0617 Mom

June 17, 1942
Camp, Livingston, Louisiana

Dear Mom,
I have finally gotten around to write to you if I’m not interrupted before I finish.
We moved out of our regular tents into some temporary quarters. I’m lucky to be in with noncom’s as we got a tent with a floor in it and the rest didn’t. They are building five men hutments (baby barracks) in the place our tents were.
And I haven’t developed many pictures. The officers found out we had it and said we had to get rid of the outfit as all pictures on the post had to go through the Censor’s office.
I’m going to scribble fast as the tent has no lights and it’s getting darker. I am to go back on the truck again tomorrow. Let(Lester?) was grounded today for not carrying his drivers license. This has been the easiest three weeks I’ve ever had in the army.
Talk about going over the hill. One outfit here (artillery), refused to stand inspection the Saturday after furloughs were canceled. The Colonel confined the whole battalion over the weekend. When he ordered the battalion out the next Monday morning, not a soul was there. The whole bunch had left. The last I heard they were about 700 men AWOL.
Well, I can’t see what I’m writing now so had better close.

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