June 14, 1942
6:30 PM
Camp, Livingston, Louisiana
Dear Sis,
I received your letter and was glad to hear from you. I got a letter from Peg yesterday and answered it already, I sent her five dollars the day I sent yours. I also got mom‘s card but won’t get around to answer that until tomorrow.
I’m on guard of course, tonight, how come I don’t know. The corporal that was on today wanted to go to town so I took his last shift for him until four. About 10 minutes after I took his place. The Sergeant of the Guard came along and said he was leaving and wanted me to act as the sergeant until 4 o’clock, which I did.
Is it 4 o’clock and the new sergeant and two other corporals didn’t show up so I was left in command of both guards all by my lonesome. Some mixup but I made out OK. And got my first shift done. The others came at six so I am off until 10 tonight when I when I have to post my relief again.
Say, Peg made a statement about maybe Ruth would write more often now that Bill was working in Corning. She must have thought I knew what she was talking about, but I hadn’t heard anything about it. Who is this Bill, and what the hell’s been going on? I mean to find out a few things, somebody’s been lying to me. I suspected things before, now I want to know. I wrote to Lucille the other day. I’ll bet she’ll be surprised as I haven’t written to her since I’ve been in the Army.
Stuart isn’t married yet that I know of. He came to see me for a while the other night and we had quite a visit.
Have you heard any more from Don Rumsey. He is in school in Texas. They sent him away the day he was to get his furlough and he was pretty disappointed.
Well, I can’t think of anything more so will close.
PS Write soon
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