My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1942-0503 Mom

May 3, 1942
Camp, Livingston, LA

Dear Mom
I got your card day before yesterday but haven’t had a chance to answer until now. I also got a letter from Ruth yesterday but I’ll take my time answering that. I usually write two to her one anyhow.
I went to town with Sergeant George Coleman now of the company yesterday afternoon. He had had his picture taken in a studio there and had to go after it.
They didn’t have the picture finished but said it would be in three hours so we shopped around and went to a show, “torpedo boat “, in the meantime.
We were paid Friday afternoon, so there was lots of money floating around. I opened that deck of cards I brought when I was home and by now I estimate that $600 has passed over them.
I played draw for about 2 1/2 hours Friday evening and didn’t do so good. I had to take a test on those classes. I’ve been going to so got out of the game.
I played again today for about 15 minutes and was hot for a while. I was back what I had lost and a little besides, so I let another fellow take my place while I was still even. I’m going to keep out of the game now as I’ve got to stock up onto tobacco, etc. for the month yet.
Well, I’m going to lay this aside for a while. It’s almost time for dinner.
May 4, 1942.
Sorry that while stretched into a long one, but hate to throw away a good start so will continue.
I saw the card last night so sent it. I had a heckuva time finding what I wanted.
I just came back from the canteen where I bought the pillow cover. I don’t know if any place you can , put it but I thought it was pretty and you know how I am when something catches my eye.
I got your letter today and wondered where the covers were, ha ha!
I’m glad Wanda got a chance at the county scholarship. I hope, in fact pretty sure, she gets it. Tell her not to worry about missing that trip to Hershey. If the tires are good on any of the available cars when I get home, I’ll take her down if she wants to go. I know the place like a book.
Talking of books, I now have three more to my credit making 12 to 13 in two weeks.
We went out on a field Problem today. We were back in the place where God hid the snakes. Goodie and I turned it over to the devil. Down here any path where I where a quadraped can get through is called a road and used.
Maybe you can read this and maybe not. There’s a poker game in full swing and Bob and rig our standing on the floor to see who can make the most noise and malais. We are to go out tomorrow and stay out until Wednesday afternoon. If I take it as easy then as I did today (it’s my intention), I hadn’t ought to be too tired.
I’m glad you got the well finished and hope you have plenty of water. You sure did have to go deep enough. Also glad to hear that IHC is paid up.
I hope Bernadine’s feeling better. Sure would like to see her.
How is Ben M. now? Stuart asks me every day or so if I have heard from home and if you mentioned how his dad is. He writes to Ben and gets letters from him, but I guess he don’t get much information.
By the way, Stuart is engaged to a girl in Alabama that he met when we came down here on the way, and plans to be married when he gets his furlough.
That was pretty good about the watch. I bet they thought plenty and more good.
I wrote to Bill Urban a long while ago, but haven’t heard from him yet. I’m still hoping though.
Well, I’ll have to close.
Love to mother and all,

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