April 01, 1942
Camp Livingston, LA.
Dear Mom,
I’m going to pull an April fools on myself and write an overdue letter. I started one, night before last, but couldn’t seem to spell the words or even get them in the right order.
We had shots for yellow fever the other day and I didn’t feel too good Sunday afternoon and evening and was rather muddled yet Monday. They say it affects everyone a little, even put some in bed.
Charlie D. has had an appendicitis operation but is recovering fast. Lester was over to see him Sunday afternoon but I didn’t feel like going over.
I took Jay’s advice and started going to the movies. I saw “Wild Bill Hickock Rides“ Saturday night, “Song of the Islands” Sunday night, “Mr. Big Goes to Town “, last night and just got back from seeing (won’t tell you, I guess I can’t remember the name “. They were all good but the one last night and that was a picture like “snow White“ only with bugs to simulate people. A good kid picture.
We got paid today, but I can’t see where I’m going to have much had this month.
I went to the candidate class this afternoon. It was a show on the articles of war, principally court marshall offenses.
We have drivers classes during the day now instead of going out into the field. The test starts Friday and there are about 150 questions covering nearly everything, we’ve heard about a vehicle. If one question is missed it’s a failure and goes down on the soldier service record as unfit to drive. Tough!
I haven’t heard from Ruth or Peg lately. They must be busy or something.
I don’t know anything more about the furlough except that another group is going next Sunday.
Well, I can’t think of anything more so will close.
Love to all, Wayne
P. S. We (the Haners and I) were called up to brigade headquarters this noon. The division chaplain, a colonel, had been there and wanted us to sing for his Easter service. They also said a Major had been in and had permission of the Commanding General to get us out of the classes for a rehearsal tomorrow afternoon. Don’t know anything about the latter. Too bad Chas is in the hospital and we had to decline.