My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1942-0319 Mom

March 19, 1942

Camp Livingston, LA

Dear Mom,

I wrote a short letter to you the other day when I received the pictures and intended to send all my pictures back in it, but before it got mailed, the order came down to grant furloughs, so I changed my mind and didn’t send it. I can bring them home when I come.

The first bunch left at 3:45 this afternoon. I took them to Alexandria to catch the train. The furlough called for 10 days and five days travel time. I will probably get mine about 15 May as they are giving them in order of the number of days we’ve already had and a lot of the fellows only had seven days last year. Only 10% can go at one time.

It gets pretty hot during the day here, but is quite chilly at night. I’m glad it does cool off as it makes for much better sleeping.

We sang at a Saint Patrick’s Day program at the camp hospital, they appreciated it a lot. Mrs. H and Mrs. English sent us some more music and we’ve practiced nearly every night. Wish we could get home together, but Charles has had 20 days furlough so won’t go for about three months yet.

I don’t know yet whether I’ll need any money from home to make the trip, but I have plenty of time yet and will probably be able to save enough from the two pays between now and then. Will need some when I get home though.

I’ve gone to classes in the forenoon this week. Most of it is litter drill, and they use the truck drivers for patient. I guess they’re afraid an inspector will come around and start asking questions and they don’t want truck drivers answering them. We always have had answers ready but they don’t appreciate some of them.

I went out at 8 AM yesterday for a patient and they had to blow a whistle for me at noon. The litter bearers just couldn’t find me and I had a much I had a much needed nap. They found me today though and carried me in so I had to go back out again. I don’t like to be annoyed so I picked a more secluded spot for repose.

I got your letter this morning. I had already heard that Mrs. Gross had died. Too bad.

I read another of Ellery Queen‘s books last night titled “Chinese orange mystery”. It was good, as all of his books are.

Well, I can’t think of anything else to write so will close.

Love to all,


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