My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1942-0226 Mom

Feb 26, 1942
Camp Livingston, LA

Dear Mom,
Here I am in town again, but tried different U.S.O. This time.
I had to bring one Sergeant from each Company into a meeting where the General gives a speech or pep talk. I think they are in this building, upstairs but don’t know, as they marched over while I parked the truck.
Of course they didn’t march alone, there were about 15 truckloads from different outfits and a band from the 110th infantry.
I got my truck back this noon. They couldn’t get another booster so hooked it up without. The brakes are good but it takes a little more shove to put them on.
Leland told me this morning that they want us to broadcast again Sunday night on the same program, 6:30 over KALB, if you can get it. It’s a local station like Elmira so it is doubtful if your radio will pick it up.
About two weeks ago I happen to think of that girl in York that wrote to me last year so I sent her my address. I got a nice letter from her a few days ago much to my surprise. I hadn’t really expected her to get my letter but she had, even though she had moved.
It gives me something to do in my spare time and I have gotten to like to write, when there is anything to write about.
We are going to move into different tents about 1 1/2 miles from where we are now, though why I don’t know. They say we’ll get furloughed afterward, but you know how things are. Maybe so, maybe not, mostly not.
I’ve been writing to Grandma Smith and Mama Rose once in a while and Jean, Peg, and Ruth twice in a while. I have to keep track of who I last wrote to and when, so I won’t say the same thing twice. Darned if I can remember.
I feel pretty good now but have a hard cough like I never had before. I thought maybe it was caused by smoking, so have cut down. There’s another reason for cutting down too, I’m broke. I have been smoking pipe lately as I had a pound of Raleigh I got last payday. I’m out of stamps too so please send some if you can. I have used 3 books of 12 so far this month.
I was on K.P. Tuesday, but didn’t hurt myself in spite of five inspectors who thought I should. Otherwise I’ve had good luck at staying off details this week. I expect to catch ambulance orderly and guard, both within a short while though.
We still have to go to classes when we aren’t on detail. I usually get on detail “working”on trucks, going only when it’s something I think I’d ought to know in case of combat or something I’m interested in.
Well my hand is getting tired and so is my “gray matter” so will close.
Love to all,

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