My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1942-0218 Mom

Feb 18, 1942
Camp Livingston, LA

Dear Mom,
I don’t just remember when I wrote to you last, because I’ve written quite a lot of letters in the last week, but I think it was Sunday so we’ll start from there.
We sang at the USO Sunday night. They liked it so we were asked to sing on the broadcast they sponsor, next Sunday night. Of course we said we would.
Monday we got an order to report to KALB broadcasting station. We didn’t know what it was all about, but went anyhow as it was an order and it got us out of class for the afternoon.
We went down and found it was a division program celebrating the one year of active field duty. We practiced along with the 112th Infantry band from 3:00 to 5:00, figured it was too late to go back to camp for the day so we stayed in town for the evening. (The Haner boys stayed later than Charlie and I. I drove the truck back) – mistake – that was Sunday night, will try again.
Leland and I stayed in town Monday night and bowled for a while, stayed at the USO for a couple of hours, and went into the “Mirror”, a high class night club in the Hotel Bentley, for a while.
Last night we broadcasted. We had to be there at 7:30 for a rehearsal and broadcasted at 8:30 to 9:00. Charlie and I went to a show and the rest of the boys, (there were several that went in on the truck with us) went to a dance at the USO.
We moved into tents today they have wooden sides and floors and a large natural gas heater so they will be dry and warm. We kept our beds and lockers and use them here.
We moved into tents today. They have wooden sides and floors and a large natural gas heater so they will be dry and warm. We kept our beds and lockers and use them here.
We shook hands with the new General, Ord, last night. He seems to be a nice old fellow. He said we “sounded good” and he was glad we were staying in the division. The Chief of Staff, Jones, said he was glad we were staying in the Medical outfit so here we are, all in the 103 Medical Battalion.
By the way that is the address now. Use Battalion instead of Regiment as it is no longer a regiment.
Well I guess that’s all for now lots of love to everyone.
Your Son, Wayne

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