My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1942-0202 Mom

Feb 2, 1942
Camp Livingston, LA

Dear Mom,
Well, maybe I’ll get this letter mailed. I wrote one to you and Wanda and one to Ruth about five days ago and they’re still in my truck, stamped, addressed and everything.
They are hollering “chow” but I don’t think I’ll quit writing now that I’m started.
We went up to the hospital rec hall and practiced singing for about two hours this afternoon. One of the nurses heard us so she called the Red Cross director here so we were invited to sing tonight in a program for the patients. We also have been asked to sing in church next Sunday and will probably be asked quite often now. Of course we always say yes.
The truck drivers here have to attend classes during the day now, besides working on the trucks. We have all signed up for the Air Corp. I want to try for a mechanic if I can get in. I don’t have enough High School credits in Math to make the requirements for pilot. It takes 1 1/3 credits and I have but 1, everything else is OK.
I can try for ground mechanic, gunner, bombing, navigation or several other things though, without the credits, and there is plenty of chances for advancement though the sooner a fellow gets in, the better he’ll do, but I haven’t made up my mind whether to go or not. If enough of our fellows leave I might stand a chance here.
I got your letter this morning with the license, thanks for sending it.
Say did you ever send those films in that I left there? If you haven’t, I wish you would so they will be back when I come up.
Well, I guess that’s all for now so will close.
Love, Wayne

P. S. Am mailing these all in the same envelope to save postage. WS

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