My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1941-1114 Wayne

Nov 14, 1941
Whitneyville, PA

Friday, noon.

Dear Wayne,
I sent you a letter Wednesday with your little pictures, I have the negatives here. I was disappointed in them, I thought for $.50 they would make them larger., And I don’t think they did too good a job at tinting, do you? We are all well, hope you are fine too. Arnold and Jay went cooning last night and got one. They had to kill it to get it home so they skinned it and dressed it off, I am roasting it now. We got both little girls red boots yesterday and they have worn them nearly all the time since. When we showed Bernadine your picture she yelled Wayne, Wayne. Jeannette says to tell you hello and she would write you but she don’t know as you could read it.
Love, Mom + Jeannette + Bernadine.

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