My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1941-1016 Mom

Oct 16, 1941
On maneuvers near Jefferson, SC

Dear Mom,
I have a few minutes while waiting for the mess line to diminish so I’ll start a letter.

I got your letter this morning, (the mail seems to get here quicker than it does from here up there) but I haven’t heard from any of the others.
We pulled out of our base camp Tuesday night (after having the truck drivers on guard the night before) went about 4 miles and camped. We stayed there that night and most of the forenoon then went about 50 miles (about 10 miles south of Jefferson, SC.)

We stayed there last night and most of the forenoon then moved 20 miles north again and stopped for dinner about 15 minutes ago. This company is in reserve so all we do besides moving is eat and sleep.
Well I better get in line now or I’ll miss out.

I feel better now that I’ve eaten and will continue. I don’t know whether I’ll have a chance to mail this or not. The fellow who brings the mail said services were discontinued until Saturday but maybe I can mail it somewhere else.

Well it is now about 18 hours later than when I started this, kind of a “continued in the next series” thing.

I was fooling around this morning with one of the fellows, he had my knife with a blade open and I flopped over onto it, that is my hand did. It run the point about a half inch into the fleshy part of my palm. It hurts some but it’s (as always) my right hand so it’s not so bad.

I got Dad’s card yesterday after I stopped writing. I’ll write to him as soon as I can get around to it.

When those pictures come back (the role you sent in) send them to me, please, also send some stamps as I can’t get any here and the ones I have are almost gone.

Well that’s all I can think of for now so will close.
Love to all, Wayne

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