My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

1941-0727 Mom

July 27, 1941
Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA

Dear Mom,

Sorry I haven’t written before and have no excuses except lack of anything to write about.I received your letter this morning and was glad to hear from you so will try to write a few lines.

My legs were better when I got back to camp but Monday morning my hands broke out. I reported to the infirmary and by the time they got around to me both hands were swollen out of shape. I had to take my watch off as my arm was swollen and the strap wouldn’t reach around it. They told me I had to get my rings off if I had to file them. They said it was hives and gave me some glycerin to put on it. That night I soaked my right hand (that was worse) in Epsom salts so the next morning I got my ring off. Almost took my finger too. My thumb began to hurt Tuesday night, on Wednesday morning I went to sick call again. Infection had set in and was pretty serious. They said it was too hard and swollen (about twice the natural size and very painful), to have it to lanced so they gave me some boric acid to soak it in; 20 minutes, 3 times a day.

Friday morning it had come out of my hand and arm and concentrated in the thumb so they cut it.I have to soak it right along and keep a gigantic bandage around it to hold the solution from one soaking to the next. It’s coming along pretty good now, though it’s a wonder I’m not in the hospital.Lester went to the hospital yesterday with poison ivy. His face is swollen up until his eyes are closed.

Charlie is home on furlough this week. I guess he’ll be back tomorrow. I hope so as we need some music from Mrs. English, “Heaven, Heaven”. I wrote to him a couple days ago to bring it back with him.

We are invited to sing at a division program the fifth of next month. The general gives a speech and they went over the record of the radio broadcast for music. We were selected. Ha. ha.We were also invited to sing at a banquet for the General Friday night but Charlie wasn’t here.

Well I hope you can read this as I’ve been writing fast and furious with interruptions frequently.It’s time for mess now so have to close.

With love to all, Wayne

P. S. Tell Dad hello for me.I expect to be home next week but haven’t heard from Stella yet. W.

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