Ft Indiantown Gap, PA
Dear Mother and all the rest,
I ought to have a written before but just couldn’t get started. I wrote to Ruth Monday (a card) and again Thursday night.
I just came in off guard duty (8:00). I struck it lucky this time. I was sent over to Company C to make up their guard and was given number 4 post, the parking lot. I didn’t think I’d like it but I went up and made about half a trip around the trucks when I spied some “Life” magazines on the front seat of one of the “doodle bugs”, a four-wheel-drive car with two seats and no doors. These I read, the magazines of course, until it got dark then I started looking for some other place to put in time.
I tried a few doors, to know avail, but finally came to a station wagon that was not locked. I then proceeded to make myself comfortable and upon looking around discovered it had a heater, radio, dome light, fan, and some more magazines in the glove compartment. It was just luck as only one station wagon in the regiment has a radio. I had my pipe too so was pretty comfortable.
Of course the key was gone and the fixtures were hooked up to the switch but a few brains and a jackknife come in handy sometimes.
I noted the location of afore said buggy and
have hooked up a piece of wire to use during the 12:00-2:00 shift as I got tired of holding the knife and burned my fingers trying to place it where I wouldn’t have to hold it.
I, whoa, we received the box ok. I guess the cookies were all good at least the two I grabbed first were. Thanks a lot, (from all of us.)
Several of the other boys got boxes of candy so I saw to it that I wasn’t beat too much.
Clarence Hanes came down this afternoon and Leland took a load home. I guess he’s going to bring his car back again Sunday night.
I had guard last Monday night and Tuesday and Tuesday night we went out on maneuvers for a couple of hours. We rode in trucks about 4 miles from camp and set up the big tent, no lights allowed, took it down and returned home.
Wednesday we went for a short road march and had air raid drills in the a.m. and classes Wed afternoon + Thursday + Friday forenoon so things were pretty easy. Friday the whole regiment went to church services held in our new recreation hall.
This forenoon we did nothing until 11 o’clock then we went out in the big parade ground for Division inspection. Maybe you don’t think 13,000 men all marching in step to several bands isn’t a pretty sight! We came back in about noon and have done nothing since, until guard of course, this hard work this time, ha ha.
Well I guess that’s about all for now so will close.
With love to all,
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