My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…

Lydia Rice Smith

Mrs. Lydia Matilda Rice Smith, aged 71 years, wife of Mr. Fulton Smith, died Monday night following a stroke of apoplexy. She was a daughter of Solomon and Diana All Rice, and was born September 11, 1839. Two children, besides her husband survive her, Ed Smith and Mrs William March, both of Charleston. Deceased was a most estimable woman and her death is mourned by many friends. The funeral will be held this afternoon, at 2:30 o’clock. Interment will be made in the Cherryflats cemetery.

Other notes by Ed Smith: Lydia M. Smith died May 15, 1911 at 2:30 Monday afternoon. She was born Sept 11, 1839 and married on March 6th, 1862. The text read at her funeral was Revelation Chapter 21 Verse 4. Mr Eddy, minister.

Uncle George Dartt died May 2nd, ten days after Ma.