My Relative Tree

I have ancestors, therefore I am…


I started posting genealogy and family stories on the web back in 2007. When my internet service provider stopped allowing free websites I reluctantly gave it up.

Then in 2022 after a conversation with my brother Les about how we didn’t know much regarding our dads’ early years, I pulled from my closet the old box of WWII letters Grandma Smith had saved. I took pictures of the envelopes and letters so they could be enlarged enough to read and be transcribed. There seems no better way to share the letters than to create a web site.

I looked for my original site backup and to my horror discovered that my ancient laptop harddrive was un-bootable and unrecoverable. Alas, my secondary backup had so many errors that it too was no better than a paperweight. Thankfully my sister Linda reminded me that I’d sent her a copy on a thumb drive. With that in hand I had a starting point.

That being said, technology has changed a lot in seventeen years and I’ve basically had to start anew. It’s going to take me some time to get everything converted and if I wait to publish until I have it all perfect, perhaps neither you or me will be around to see it. So here we are.

It is my hope that as you read my dad’s WWII letters you’ll see something that prompts you to write a comment.

If you have stories, pictures, or anything else you think would be enjoyed here, please email me at the link below. Brian